Facts about the Number Seven

>> Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I was interested when read the principal note about number seven. Let us look at some more interesting facts about the number seven.

Mathematical Facts about the Number Seven
-Seven has the highest probability of occurring as an addition when rolling dice.
-The number seven is the fourth prime number as also a Mersenne prime, the first Woodall prime, the fourth factorial prime, the second lucky and the second safe prime.
-Seven is the only number below 15 that cannot be represented as a sum of the squares of three integers. Wondering all other numbers can be represented? You will have to check out and see!
-7 is a Prime Number.
-7 is a Mersenne Number.
-7 is an Octahedral Number.
-7 is a Lucas Number.
-7 is a Centered Hexagonal Number.
-7 is a Heptagonal Number.
-7 is a Hexagonal Pyramidal Number.
-5 can be Partitioned in 7 ways.
-7 can be Partitioned in 15 ways.
-7 is the number of + signs needed to write the Partitions of 4
-Sum of the first 4 Fibonacci numbers= 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 7
-7 is the number of frieze groups, i.e., the groups consisting of symmetries of the plane whose group of translations is isomorphic to the group of integers.
-7 is the maximal number of regions into which 3 lines divide a plane.
-The 7 Hexagonal (6-fold) crystal classes.
-The 7 Tetragonal crystal classes.
-Topologists have been able to prove that 7 colors may be needed on a donut shaped map to ensure that no adjacent areas are the same.
-There are seven different ways of linking four hexagons together.
-7 is the smallest number of integer-sided rectangles that tile a rectangle so that no 2 rectangles share a common length.

Interesting Facts about the Number Seven
-The Chemical Element Nitrogen has an atomic number of 7.
-The 7 directions: north, south, east, west, up, down and the center.
-In Humans: the 7 Endocrine glands.
-The 7 colors of the rainbow.
-There are seven wonders of the ancient world.
-There are seven continents in the world.
-There are seven colors of the rainbow. Their names are famously abbreviated as 'vibgyor'.
-There are seven days in a week.
-One of the most interesting facts about the number seven is its correlation with the cognitive abilities of a human being. The limits of human cognitive capacity lie within the range of 7 plus or a minus 2.
-There are seven basic musical notes, namely, 'do', 're', 'me', 'fa', 'so', 'la' and 'te'. In Indian music they are ‘sa’, ‘re’, ‘ga’, ‘ma’, ‘pa’, ‘dha’ and ‘ni’.

Facts about the Number Seven in Science and Technology
-A ladybug commonly has seven spots!
-Most of the mammals' necks have seven bones.
-The number of rows in the periodic table is seven.
-The neutral pH value that lies between acidity and alkalinity is seven.
-The code for international direct dial phone calls to Russia and Kazakhstan is seven. Seven is also the number of digits in an American or a Canadian telephone number.
-Digital devices use a seven-segment display.
-The OSI model has seven layers.
-There are seven logic gates namely, NOT, NOR, XNOR, XOR, AND, NAND and OR.


Waktu berbuka dan Imsak daerah Johor Bahru Tahun 2009

>> Saturday, August 22, 2009

SABTU *1 22 Ogos 5.35 pagi 7.14 malam
AHAD 2 23 5.35 pagi 7.13 malam
ISNIN 3 24 5.35 pagi 7.13 malam
SELASA 4 25 5.35 pagi 7.13 malam
RABU 5 26 5.35 pagi 7.12 malam
KHAMIS 6 27 5.35 pagi 7.12 malam
JUMAAT 7 28 5.35 pagi 7.12 malam
SABTU 8 29 5.34 pagi 7.11 malam
AHAD 9 30 5.34 pagi 7.11 malam
ISNIN 10 31 5.34 pagi 7.11 malam
SELASA 11 1 September 5.34 pagi 7.10 malam
RABU 12 2 5.34 pagi 7.10 malam
KHAMIS 13 3 5.34 pagi 7.10 malam
JUMAAT 14 4 5.33 pagi 7.09 malam
SABTU 15 5 5.33 pagi 7.09 malam
AHAD 16 6 5.33 pagi 7.08 malam
ISNIN 17 7 5.33 pagi 7.08 malam
SELASA 18 8 5.32 pagi 7.08 malam
RABU 19 9 5.32 pagi 7.07 malam
KHAMIS 20 10 5.32 pagi 7.07 malam
JUMAAT 21 11 5.32 pagi 7.07 malam
SABTU 22 12 5.31 pagi 7.06 malam
AHAD 23 13 5.31 pagi 7.06 malam
ISNIN 24 14 5.31 pagi 7.05 malam
SELASA 25 15 5.31 pagi 7.05 malam
RABU 26 16 5.30 pagi 7.05 malam
KHAMIS 27 17 5.30 pagi 7.04 malam
JUMAAT 28 18 5.30 pagi 7.04 malam
SABTU **29 19 5.30 pagi 7.03 malam

* Tertakluk Kepada Pengisytiharan Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Malaysia
** Tarikh Melihat Anak Bulan Syawal Tertakluk Kepada Pengisytiharan Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Malaysia



>> Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mulakan hari anda dengan senyuman

Man : Bapa aku hebat. Dia polis. Semua orang takut ngan dia.
Ali : Eleh, bapa aku lagi terer. Kalau dia suruh orang tunduk, mesti orang tu tunduk.
Man : Wow! Bapa kau keja apa?
Ali : Tukang gunting rambut.

Ayah : Apasal B.I kamu nie asyik dapat kosong jer...! Apasal hah?
Anak : Eh, ayah! Tu bukan kosong. Tadi cikgu adik dah kasi bintang banyakkat bebudak lain. Ada dapat 5 bintang la, 4 bintang la. Bila turn adikjer, bintang dah abis. Sebab tu cikgu bagi kat adik bulan.

Doktor : Encik kena ambil 3 sudu ubat ni setiap hari.
Pesakit : Eh! tak boleh la doktor.
Doktor : Kenapa?
Pesakit : Rumah saya ada dua sudu jer.

Cikgu : Hasan,sambungkan 2 ayat ini menjadi satu. 'Ali menaiki
basikal ke sekolah. Ali ternampak mayat.'
Hasan : Ali ternampak mayat menaiki basikal ke sekolah.

Cikgu : Encik,anak awak didapati meniru Ali dalam exam.
Bapa : Apa bukti awak?
Cikgu : Encik tengok soalan nombor 4 nie. Siapakah menemui Pulau Pinang?Seman tulis "Saya tak tahu"dan anak encik tulis "Kalau engkautak tahu, aku lagi la tak tahu".

Suatu petang datang seorang lelaki berumur ke kelinik ENT , kerana telinganyadi masuki biji kacang hijau semasa dia membeli barang dapur di pasar.
Doktor : "Selamat petang..."
Pesakit : "Selamat petang Doktor!"
Doktor : " Ada masaalah apa .....?"
Pesakit : "Telinga saya dimasuki biji kacang hijau, Doktor..."
Doktor : "Biar saya periksa telinga anda!"
setelah diperiksa....
Doktor : " Ada2 cara untuk mengeluarkan biji tersebut..."
Pesakit : "Apa caranya doktor?"
Doktor : "Pembedahan kecil kosnya 2 ribu ringgit dan pilihan kedua
pula percuma..."
Pesakit : "Mahal sangat Doktor, kalau yang percuma bagaimana?"
Doktor : "Yang percuma kena sabar..."
Pesakit : "Baik, saya sabar, dan bagaimana caranya...?"
Doktor : "Anda sirami telinga anda 2 kali sehari dan nanti jika
sudah jadi tauge' anda tinggal tarik keluar."
Pesakit : "Huh



>> Wednesday, August 19, 2009

From the perspective we get on Earth, our planet appears to be big and sturdy with an endless ocean of air. From space, astronauts often get the impression that the Earth is small with a thin, fragile layer of atmosphere. For a space traveler, the distinguishing Earth features are the blue waters, brown and green land masses and white clouds set against a black background.
Many dream of traveling in space and viewing the wonders of the universe. In reality all of us are space travelers. Our spaceship is the planet Earth, traveling at the speed of 108,000 kilometers (67,000 miles) an hour.
Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun at a distance of about 150 million kilometers (93.2 million miles). It takes 365.256 days for the Earth to travel around the Sun and 23.9345 hours for the Earth rotate a complete revolution. It has a diameter of 12,756 kilometers (7,973 miles), only a few hundred kilometers larger than that of Venus. Our atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other constituents.
Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbor life. Our planet's rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Earth's atmosphere protects us from meteors, most of which burn up before they can strike the surface. [klik]



Galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system that consists of stars and stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and an important but poorly understood component tentatively dubbed dark matter. The name is from the Greek root galaxias [γαλαξίας], meaning "milky," a reference to the Milky Way galaxy. Typical galaxies range from dwarfs with as few as ten million stars up to giants with one trillion stars, all orbiting the galaxy's center of mass. Galaxies can also contain many multiple star systems, star clusters, and various interstellar clouds. The Sun is one of the stars in the Milky Way galaxy; the Solar System includes the Earth and all the other objects that orbit the Sun.
Historically, galaxies have been categorized according to their apparent shape (usually referred to as their visual morphology). A common form is the
elliptical galaxy, which has an ellipse-shaped light profile. Spiral galaxies are disk-shaped assemblages with curving, dusty arms. Galaxies with irregular or unusual shapes are known as peculiar galaxies, and typically result from disruption by the gravitational pull of neighboring galaxies. Such interactions between nearby galaxies, which may ultimately result in galaxies merging, may induce episodes of significantly increased star formation, producing what is called a starburst galaxy. Small galaxies that lack a coherent structure could also be referred to as irregular galaxies.
There are probably more than 100 billion (1011) galaxies in the observable universe. Most galaxies are 1,000 to 100,000 parsecs in diameter and are usually separated by distances on the order of millions of parsecs (or megaparsecs). Intergalactic space (the space between galaxies) is filled with a tenuous gas of an average density less than one atom per cubic meter. The majority of galaxies are organized into a hierarchy of associations called clusters, which, in turn, can form larger groups called superclusters. These larger structures are generally arranged into sheets and filaments, which surround immense voids in the universe.
Although it is not yet well understood, dark matter appears to account for around 90% of the mass of most galaxies. Observational data suggests that supermassive black holes may exist at the center of many, if not all, galaxies. They are proposed to be the primary cause of active galactic nuclei found at the core of some galaxies. The Milky Way galaxy appears to harbor at least one such object within its nucleus.
Maklumat lebih lanjut tentang galaksi...klik disini


Simple experiment of liquid pressure

>> Friday, August 14, 2009


Pelajar sekarang malas membaca

>> Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pelajar sekarang malas membaca

GEORGE TOWN - "Pelajar kini makin malas membaca, berfikir dan menilai."

Begitulah nada kecewa yang disuarakan penerima Anugerah Tokoh Akademik Negara 2008, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Salleh yang menyifatkan ramai golongan pelajar masa kini sama ada di sekolah mahupun universiti kurang membaca dan ia berbeza berbanding generasi lampau.

Beliau yang juga Sasterawan Negara berkata, biarpun seronok menjadi seorang pendidik namun beliau kecewa apabila pelajar yang lahir daripada sistem pendidikan sekarang tidak lagi cintakan buku.

"Sebagai pendidik, kita membina watak manusia yang boleh berfikir, berhujah dan menilai sesuatu yang berlaku.

"Namun jika kurang membaca, bagaimana pelajar itu mahu berfikir serta memberi pendapat serta menyelesaikan setiap masalah yang timbul," katanya ketika ditemui selepas majlis perasmian Ekspo Konvokesyen 2009 (Convex 09) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) di sini semalam.

Di petik daripada akhbar Kosmo 13/8/2009



>> Monday, August 10, 2009

The International Space Station (ISS) is an internationally developed research facility currently being assembled in Low Earth Orbit. On-orbit construction of the station began in 1998 and is scheduled to be complete by 2011, with operations continuing until at least 2015.The ISS orbits at an altitude of approximately 350 kilometres (220 mi) above the surface of the Earth,travelling at an average speed of 27,724 kilometres (17,227 mi) per hour, completing 15.7 orbits per day.The station can be seen from the Earth with the naked eye, and, as of 2009, is the largest artificial satellite in Earth orbit, with a mass larger than that of any previous space station.
Untuk maklumat lanjut.....klik disini
Kenali ISS dan boleh menyaksikan video yang menarik... klik disini


Nobel Prize in Physics

>> Monday, August 3, 2009

The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to 183 individuals since 1901.No one is from Malaysia.... Hopefully one day there is a malaysian win the nobel prize especially in Physics. 2008 is from Asia-Japanese...

2008 - Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi, Toshihide Maskawa
2007 - Albert Fert, Peter Grünberg
2006 - John C. Mather, George F. Smoot
2005 - Roy J. Glauber, John L. Hall, Theodor W. Hänsch
2004 - David J. Gross, H. David Politzer, Frank Wilczek
2003 - Alexei A. Abrikosov, Vitaly L. Ginzburg, Anthony J. Leggett
2002 - Raymond Davis Jr., Masatoshi Koshiba, Riccardo Giacconi
2001 - Eric A. Cornell, Wolfgang Ketterle, Carl E. Wieman
2000 - Zhores I. Alferov, Herbert Kroemer, Jack S. Kilby
1999 - Gerardus 't Hooft, Martinus J.G. Veltman
1998 - Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Störmer, Daniel C. Tsui
1997 - Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips
1996 - David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, Robert C. Richardson
1995 - Martin L. Perl, Frederick Reines
1994 - Bertram N. Brockhouse, Clifford G. Shull
1993 - Russell A. Hulse, Joseph H. Taylor Jr.
1992 - Georges Charpak
1991 - Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
1990 - Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, Richard E. Taylor
1989 - Norman F. Ramsey, Hans G. Dehmelt, Wolfgang Paul
1988 - Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, Jack Steinberger
1987 - J. Georg Bednorz, K. Alex Müller
1986 - Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, Heinrich Rohrer
1985 - Klaus von Klitzing
1984 - Carlo Rubbia, Simon van der Meer
1983 - Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, William A. Fowler
1982 - Kenneth G. Wilson
1981 - Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur L. Schawlow, Kai M. Siegbahn
1980 - James Cronin, Val Fitch
1979 - Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam, Steven Weinberg
1978 - Pyotr Kapitsa, Arno Penzias, Robert Woodrow Wilson
1977 - Philip W. Anderson, Sir Nevill F. Mott, John H. van Vleck
1976 - Burton Richter, Samuel C.C. Ting
1975 - Aage N. Bohr, Ben R. Mottelson, James Rainwater
1974 - Martin Ryle, Antony Hewish
1973 - Leo Esaki, Ivar Giaever, Brian D. Josephson
1972 - John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, Robert Schrieffer
1971 - Dennis Gabor
1970 - Hannes Alfvén, Louis Néel
1969 - Murray Gell-Mann
1968 - Luis Alvarez
1967 - Hans Bethe
1966 - Alfred Kastler
1965 - Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger, Richard P. Feynman
1964 - Charles H. Townes, Nicolay G. Basov, Aleksandr M. Prokhorov
1963 - Eugene Wigner, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, J. Hans D. Jensen
1962 - Lev Landau
1961 - Robert Hofstadter, Rudolf Mössbauer
1960 - Donald A. Glaser
1959 - Emilio Segrè, Owen Chamberlain
1958 - Pavel A. Cherenkov, Il´ja M. Frank, Igor Y. Tamm
1957 - Chen Ning Yang, Tsung-Dao Lee
1956 - William B. Shockley, John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain
1955 - Willis E. Lamb, Polykarp Kusch
1954 - Max Born, Walther Bothe
1953 - Frits Zernike
1952 - Felix Bloch, E. M. Purcell
1951 - John Cockcroft, Ernest T.S. Walton
1950 - Cecil Powell
1949 - Hideki Yukawa
1948 - Patrick M.S. Blackett
1947 - Edward V. Appleton
1946 - Percy W. Bridgman
1945 - Wolfgang Pauli
1944 - Isidor Isaac Rabi
1943 - Otto Stern
1942 - The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section
1941 - The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section
1940 - The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section
1939 - Ernest Lawrence
1938 - Enrico Fermi
1937 - Clinton Davisson, George Paget Thomson
1936 - Victor F. Hess, Carl D. Anderson
1935 - James Chadwick
1934 - The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section
1933 - Erwin Schrödinger, Paul A.M. Dirac
1932 - Werner Heisenberg
1931 - The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section
1930 - Sir Venkata Raman
1929 - Louis de Broglie
1928 - Owen Willans Richardson
1927 - Arthur H. Compton, C.T.R. Wilson
1926 - Jean Baptiste Perrin
1925 - James Franck, Gustav Hertz
1924 - Manne Siegbahn
1923 - Robert A. Millikan
1922 - Niels Bohr
1921 - Albert Einstein
1920 - Charles Edouard Guillaume
1919 - Johannes Stark
1918 - Max Planck
1917 - Charles Glover Barkla
1916 - The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section
1915 - William Bragg, Lawrence Bragg
1914 - Max von Laue
1913 - Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
1912 - Gustaf Dalén
1911 - Wilhelm Wien
1910 - Johannes Diderik van der Waals
1909 - Guglielmo Marconi, Ferdinand Braun
1908 - Gabriel Lippmann
1907 - Albert A. Michelson
1906 - J.J. Thomson
1905 - Philipp Lenard
1904 - Lord Rayleigh
1903 - Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, Marie Curie
1902 - Hendrik A. Lorentz, Pieter Zeeman
1901 - Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen


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