>> Saturday, July 11, 2009



Biography – Mr. Chia Song Choy

Mr. Chia Song Choy was born in Malaysia in 1957. He obtained his B.Sc. (Hons) and Diploma in Education from National University Malaysia (UKM) in 1981. He also obtained his M.Sc. in the field of Physics Education Research (PER) from UKM in 1998. He was the Senior Principal of SMT Kuala Klawang, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus October 2005-June 2009. Currently he is the Senior Principal of SMT Perdagangan, Johor Bahru, the Cluster School of Malaysia.

As the chairman of the Malaysian Institute of Physics (Physics Education Subgroup), and the chairman of the selection and training committee of the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) & International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) as well as the key personnel in the International Space Station (ISS) Physics Education Programs , Mr. Chia has been very instrumental in numerous physics related activities at both the national and international levels. He was elected to be a Fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Physics (FIPM) in 1997 for his outstanding contributions to the physics community.

Being a member of the Text Book Panel appointed by the Ministry of Education , Mr. Chia oversees the publication of textbooks in relating to Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Additional Science, Physics Practical Workbooks as well as Physics Modules through Contextual Learning Approach. Mr. Chia himself is a renowned textbook author and has written numerous textbooks including the Form 4 and Form 5 Physics Text Book of the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum (KBSM) .

Mr. Chia is the winner of the Toray Science Educational Award in 1995, the Tech. Prep Fellowship Programs , CORD, Texas , USA in 1996, and also Excellence Service Award ( APC ), Ministry of Education Malaysia 1997 and 2003. He was the Team Leader at APhO/IPhO Indonesia (2000), Singapore (2002), Vietnam (2004), Spain (2005) and Iran (2007).

Mr. Chia can be contacted at:

E-mail : csongc_2006@yahoo.com.my

Handphone: +6012-6080460


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